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Bidang pekerjaan
Teknik, Perangkat Keras
Jenis pekerjaan
Full time
Tipe pekerjaan
Lowongan dalam negeri
Jenis kelamin
Laki-laki / Perempuan
Rentang gaji
Jumlah lowongan
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Some of your duties will include:

·        Responsible maintain fire protection equipment in Port Site area that consist of camp, offices, mess hall, sport-recreational facilities, fuel storage tanks, power plant, filter plant, ship loading, jetties, hangar, electrical rooms, transformers, warehouse, and laydowns.

·        To manage company objectives and all applicable regulation and standard obligations for Fire Protection, with reporting, compliance, and other statutory requirements.

·        To be accountable for the execution of plans in each of these functions and responsible for preventive maintenance.

·        To ensure inspection, test, and preventive maintenance procedures conducted by subordinates are done according to applied standard.

·        To conduct coordination Fire Protection Preventive Maintenance activities with related stakeholders and other F&S Respective Sections

·        To communicate & coordinate with safety & Fire Emergency Services during inspection, test, and preventive maintenance activities to assure all Fire Protection System are functional properly.

·        Maintain the performance and quality of fire protection equipment according to standards without neglect the building architecture based on company’s commercial building regulations.

·        Conduct Building Fire Protection Equipment Inspection, Test & Preventive Maintenance on townsite area.

·        Systems that include in Inspection, Test & Preventive maintenance are Portable Fire Extinguisher, Smoke Alarm, Fire Alarm System, Aspirating Smoke Detection System, Water Based Fire Protection System , Gas Fire Suppression System, Fire Pump.

·        Coordinate with Corrective maintenance team for Fire Protection equipment impairment or break down.

·        Coordinate with planner to ensure all Preventive maintenance requirements are well prepared.

Persyaratan Khusus
What skills and experience do you need?

·        Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering

·        Certified of Competency for Middle Operational Supervisor of OHS and Mine Environmental from DEMR (POP)

·        Have minimum 7 years’ experience working in Fire Protection Project or Maintenance on equivalent position, and 4 years’ experience in similar role as Supervisor Preventive Fire System.

·        Have a knowledge of Life Safety & Fire Protection System, Inspection Testing & Maintenance Fire Protection and National & international Fire Protection Code & Standard.

·        Strong in Team management, Fire Alarm System, Aspirating Smoke Detection System, Foam Based Fire Suppression, Gaseous Fire Suppression, Water Based Fire Protection, Building Management System Integration.

·        Be able to speak to groups and communicate abstract concepts.

·        Excellent communication skills in English both verbal and written and computer literate. 

Persyaratan Umum
Pendidikan maksimal
Status pernikahan
Tidak ada preferensi
Minimal pengalaman
4 tahun
Kondisi fisik
Disabilitas & Non Disabilitas
PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara/84457
Buin Batu, Sekongkang Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat
Mining, Oil & Gas

Diposting pada: 12 Mei 2024
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