RESTAURANT MANAGER (Local or Foreginer) PT Mirah Global Investment

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A Restaurant Manager is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of a restaurant, ensuring that customers are satisfied, and managing the staff and budget. The job description for a Restaurant Manager can vary depending on the size and type of the restaurant.

Job Description for Restaurant Manager:

1. Operational Management:
Oversee and manage all areas of the restaurant to ensure smooth operations.
Monitor the quality of food, service, and overall guest experience.
Handle customer complaints and resolve any issues promptly.

2. Staff Management:
Recruit, train, and supervise restaurant staff.
Schedule shifts and manage payroll.
Conduct performance evaluations and provide feedback to employees.
Foster a positive work environment and promote teamwork.

3. Financial Management:
Prepare and manage the restaurant's budget.
Monitor expenses and control costs to maximize profitability.
Handle inventory management, including ordering supplies and controlling stock levels.

4. Customer Service:
Ensure high levels of customer satisfaction by providing excellent service.
Interact with customers to gather feedback and make improvements as needed.
Implement marketing and promotional activities to attract new customers and increase revenue.

5. Compliance and Safety:
Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations.
Maintain cleanliness and hygiene standards in the restaurant.
Stay updated on industry trends, new menu items, and competitor activities.

Qualifications and Skills:
- Previous experience in restaurant management or a similar role.
- Strong leadership and communication skills.
- Excellent problem-solving abilities.
- Knowledge of food and beverage operations, including menu planning and cost control.
- Ability to work under pressure and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
- Bachelor's degree in Hospitality Management or a related field is often preferred.

Pertanyaan dari perusahaan
Lamaran kamu akan mencakup pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:
How many years' experience do you have as a restaurant manager?
Do you have customer service experience?
How many years of people management experience do you have?
How would you rate your English language skills?
How many years of hotel management experience do you have?
Are you willing to relocate for this role?
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Diposting pada: 03 April 2024
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